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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Thi cuối kỳ 2022-1

Chỉ có thể đăng ký vào khóa học này qua thư mời

Mô tả môn học

This course will introduce the basic ideas and techniques of artificial intelligence: intelligent agents, search strategies, constraint satisfaction, logic and automatic proofing, knowledge representation, uncertain knowledge and reasoning, machine learning. By doing a capstone project at the end of this course, students will gain practical experience in building an AI system. In addition, students will practice necessary skills for future work such as teamwork skills, research skills, writing reports and presentations.

Điều kiện

Học phần tiên quyết Prerequisite: No
Prior course:
    - IT3010E: Data structures and algorithms
Paralell course: No

Giảng viên

Course Staff Image #1

Staff Member #1

Biography of instructor/staff member #1

Course Staff Image #2

Staff Member #2

Biography of instructor/staff member #2

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