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Introduction to Data Science - Thi cuối kỳ 2022-1

Chỉ có thể đăng ký vào khóa học này qua thư mời

About the course

This course introduces students to the field of Data Science, an interdisciplinary field of scientific methods, processes, and systems to extract knowledge from data. Methods from Data Science would support decision making and prediction. This course presents the key steps of data science processes, such as making assumption, data crawling, preprocessing, data analysis, knowledge evaluation, making prediction. Necessary methods from machine learning, data mining, and statistics will be introduced. The students will be introduced to how to work with texts, images, videos, graphs, social networks, ratings, feedbacks, … This course also introduces the typical applications in practice and useful tools and libraries.


Prerequisite: No
Prior course:
    - IT1110E: Introduction to Programming
    - IT3090E: Database
    - IT3010E: Data structures and algorithms
    - IT3190E: Machine Learning
Paralell course: No

  1. Mã khóa học

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